Love Food & Body
A 6-month 1:1 private coaching experience. Reclaim your life from dieting.
(The weight loss science you've been reading hasn't been telling you the truth).
Are you constantly feeling hungry, even though you just ate?
Do you find yourself secretly bingeing on snacks after work because, wow… it was a hell of a day?
Or, perhaps you’re feeling like you can’t stop eating and always reaching for food?
Do you avoid the mirror?
Or are you picking at your body parts you don’t really love and wish it was tighter and smaller?
Do you hope for “one day” to get that body you once had in high school or when you were in a really good routine in life? Like, where did that all go?!
WELCOME! To a world of food & body struggles that so many of us face. 🙃
And I want to let you in on something: IT’S NOT YOUR FAULT!
Chances are, you’ve been dieting in some shape or form and it’s the very reason you’re feeling all those feelings.
Thinking you’re doing for the sake of taking care of your health? Yeah, I thought I was too.
But turns out, that’s an outdated story. And I got the (current) science to back it up!
In today’s age, if we ain’t taking care of our health, we should be ashamed of ourselves. Right?
And if we don’t look a certain way, then we must also be unhealthy and shame on you for that, too.
Well, I’d like to clear something up for you real quick.
I was in the food and nutrition world for 10 years. I studied it, worked in it, preached it, and lived it through and through. And sure, I got praise for my “discipline” and “willpower” for my perceived health, but there was something (BIG) that only I knew was true:
Even though on paper it seemed like I had the goods, I was struggling.
Struggling to understand what the "perfect, healthy balance" was for myself.
Struggling to keep it going for more than a few weeks or through life’s crazy moments.
Struggling with the fact that no matter what I diet, trend, or lifestyle I tried, my body was never right.
I obsessed about food-- what I was eating for lunch, dinner, social outtings…
I hated the way clothes made me feel and seeing my size slowly move up in sizes…
I’d binge in secrecy in my 400 sq ft bachelor apartment while the rest of my friends were out on weekends having fun, enjoying life.
I made the excuse of being too tired and wanting some down time, when the truth was that nothing I wore made me comfortable and I was ashamed and embarrassed.
But being the over-achiever that I am, I kept thinking to myself that if I just keep trying new approaches, new diets, new trends, that I’ll get it one day and I’ll finally feel accomplished, happy and most importantly, worthy.
One day, I’ll get my toned, slim body, and I’ll be comfortable in my body.
One day, when I have a healthy balance and routine, I’ll feel confident.
One day, when I have it all figured out, I’ll get to do x, y, z.
But one day just kept getting squashed after every failed attempt of a new diet.
And then one day, I heard “intuitive eating” in passing while I was scrolling through social media from an individual I had been following.
Then, I heard it again in a podcast.
“Intuitive eating”... what the heck was that? So, I decided to look into it…
All of a sudden, everything I thought I knew about health, food, and fitness no longer made sense.
All of a sudden, the last 10 years of living, breathing, studying, and working in the health, food and nutrition world got shut down with some serious (evidence-based) knowledge.
And I realized that I was playing into the problem of a toxic narrative.
When I saw how much damage was being created not only to myself bu to those around me as the nutrition-friend, I immediately hopped into a coaching program to learn techniques into behaviour change so that I could apply the intuitive eating method to other that were struggling just like me.
Because it turns out, our bodies are not meant to diet. PERIOD.
And once I learned to let go and ditch dieting for good, my life flipped right-side UP.
I understand what it really means to have a healthy life.
I no longer stress about what foods I can or cannot eat.
I no longer value my worth to my weight or body.
I am present and intentional in life events, creating memories with the people I love most in my life.
I have become unapologetic with the space that I take up as ME.
The struggle is no longer real. Hell, it ain’t even there anymore.
Chris Song (She/Her)
And if you’re still with me here, thank you. I got something for you in gratitude...
Diet Culture 101
Ditch the Diet Mentality
Honour Your Hunger
Feel Your Fullness
Satisfaction, Baby!
iEat Exercise
Food Voices
Part 7: Food Truce
As you embark on a journey to intuitive eating, you may lose weight or you might gain weight, or you might stay the same. It is a particular point that we do not focus on the weight itself, as it’s not a measure of health and has been shown to lower body and health satisfaction. Together, we will focus on other behaviours to foster a healthy relationship to your food, body and mind!
First, Intuitive eating is not another diet protocol. MEaning, it will not tell you how, what, or when to eat. And there is no getting it right or wrong, success or fail. Intuitive eating uses introspective awareness to allow our intuition to guide us how to be mindful and intentional with our lived experiences around food, body, and exercise. And guess what? We’re all born intuitive eaters!
This is the reality of so many clients, and that is okay. In a world where the thin ideal is adored and loved, I can understand that you might still want to lose the weight. However, when we work to heal our relationship to food, body, and exercise, we shift the focus away from the weight loss because, frankly, it has never proved to be a healthy, long term, sustainable solution. Instead, we focus on a weight neutral approach. Additionally, you’ll come to find that all the things you want out of the weight loss you can have in your here-and-now body.
Weight neutral means that we do not focus on the weight. Whether we lose or gain weight or even stay the same, we do not celebrate it. Because weight does not define our health, our value or worthiness in this world.
We will work together to help you foster a peaceful relationship to food and body while also considering your current situation.
This is a yes and no answer. Intuitive eating focuses on your relationship to food, body and exercise. If you want to keep your lifestyle because it focuses on weight, IE may not be right for you at this time. If you want to keep your lifestyle because of the ethical impact (such as in veganism or vegetarianism) then IE can fit in.